
Dog Walking as Part of over all Dog training

It is hard to over estimate the importance of walking your dog during training. The dog whisperer way is big on dog walking and using this exercise as a way to reinforce your bond with your dog. It is also a chance to act like the pack leader and be in control of your pet. The biggest issue that has to be corrected on the walk, which is having the dog walk you, can be fixed very quickly if you can take over the role as the calm assertive leader.

A lot of dogs are trying to fill the void if their masters are not behaving like the alpha dog. As I mentioned before in a previous post, dogs want structure and they are very willing to follow the pack leader. They won't just follow you because you think you are top dog, you have to act like it and have the energy of the pack leader. The calm, assertive energy that displays leadership and strength to your pack must be the default energy level. As humans, we sometimes fail to realize just how perceptive dogs are and just how in tune they are with our energy. They are monitoring us all the time and they will pick up even the most subtle of cues as they will act accordingly.

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Don't believe this? Think of another example when your dog knows what you are going to do about 5 minutes before you even start to move. Do you start to think about going for a walk a few minutes before you want to leave? Have you ever made the effort to get ready to go without making any mention of a walk or going out to your dog? How does the dog know something is going to happen soon?

You move up from your chair casually and try to plan your mission to get everything ready for the walk so you can then spring it on your dog just as you are ready to leave but it never works. As soon as you move from your chair with the intention of getting ready for a walk, your dog starts to get excited, barks and head for the door. They gather a lot of information very quickly without you ever saying a word.

Of course you know if you even say the word WALK your dog will go wild. You may even have to resort to spelling the word out one letter at a time, only to find out that as soon as you say W it will trigger your dog to get ready. This doesn't say anything about sensing your energy but it says something about dogs ability to learn. They are intuitive and intelligent so it is our job to be the pack leader to give them a stable and well balanced life.

Dogs have outstanding senses and will pick up on our assertion to be the pack leader if we can manage to stay calm and exude the right energy. You can make walking with your dog a great pleasure. Once you become a great pack leader you will never again fear being pulled down the street by your Rottie.

Walking your dog really can be fun.

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