
Being a Calm-assertive Pack Leader can be good for everyone

Being the Calm-assertive pack leader can be a lot of fun.  Your time spent with your dogs will be so much more rewarding if you can become the pack leader by practicing calm-assertive behavior.  If you become the pack leader by using other methods you can be the pack leader.  Your dogs will not have the respect for you that they would have if your energy was in the proper place. 

This is very important to understand.  If you have read this far or searched the internet and are still reading this article you probably are very devoted to your dogs.  You probably were looking for information that would help your dogs live a calm, stable and happy existence.  Most people, I think, have good intentions when they take in a rescue dog or when they adopted a puppy. 

People have many different stories to tell about how they ended up with their dogs but it usually seems to have something to do with how cute they puppy was or they couldn’t let another dog be euthanized.  The popularity of the Dog Whisperer show would lead us to believe that people are becoming more aware the extreme over crowding at dog shelters across the country.  

There is really no need for puppy mills or such a large number of breeders in the USA.  It is tragic that we are putting dogs down every single day of the year in the hundreds and thousands because people couldn’t deal with keeping them.  I would not be bothered a bit if there was a moratorium put on dog breeding for a couple of years.  I know some people to this for their full time living but breeding dogs should be illegal.  We don’t need to be killing more dogs at the shelters because someone wanted to have papers to go with their new puppy.  The breeding of dogs is a complete manipulation of the species to make sure people feel like their dog is better than the neighbors.

There about putting down so many dogs that could be great dogs if they were given the chance.  By making your commitment to becoming a calm-assertive pack leader, you are doing something that will help reduce over crowding at the local shelters.  The more we can get people to connect with their pets on a different level by using the calm-assertive dog training techniques we will be reducing the likelihood of people taking their dogs to the shelter out of frustration and anger. 

As people get in touch with their more subtle forms of communication as they work on being good pack leaders they will be amazed at the joy of projecting calm-assertive energy.  They will be doing what is right for the dogs and they will be doing what is right for them.  Their new found energy will begin to make significant changes in the rest of their lives as they become a better top dog. 

Being a calm-assertive pack leader means that we are living more in line with the natural energy of the universe.  Being good pack leader is a great launching pad for us all.  If we can master our emotions while training our dogs will be on the path to changing our energy.  Our dogs will sense this and give you more and more respect and the universe will be more in harmony all areas of your life.

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